Saturday, October 30, 2010

Parking Lot Adventures

Last week I went to the mall to watch Toy Story 3. It was not in 3D. It was barely in 2D. The movie theater is not that good. I should probably do a consumer investigative report on it. But I won't. Doing things isn't my style.

I thought that I would remember where I parked my car. I didn't. Remembering things isn't really my style either. If I had my druthers I would simply have someone carry me back and forth between my car and wherever it is that I want to be. This would be easy for the burly female who would do this, because I typically only want to go to my desk, my favorite chair, and my car seat.

I walked around the mall theater parking lot for 45 minutes before I remember that I had my phone on me. I figured everything would be good now. I called a number on the phone and asked the person if they knew where my car was. They said that I had the wrong number. The phone didn't help.

Then, as I jogged up and down the parking lot, a police officer pulled me over for speeding. I ended up spending the night in the officers car as he drove me up and down the parking looking for me car. I napped in the back. Later, I found my car in my driveway. I walked to the movie theater.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I opened up the internet today and internet explored my way to this site, not because I wanted to, but because a little bird tweeted that some guy named Wade was blogging. They said that his blog was somehow superior to mine. Is that true? That's not what Mom said when I asked. She said that this was the best blog that she has ever read. And Mom doesn't get out much. Sometimes, I'll just sit her in front of a computer screen and load up internet web logs and let her read them all day. I think that it keeps her connected to the outside world.

Oh bother. My coffee keeps dripping on my shoes. I have to go.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Where can I go to get my zipper repaired? I don't want to have to buy a new jacket, and I'm not even sure they make windbreakers in this color anymore.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Somebody offered me a plate of crawdads to eat. It turns out that crawdads is just another word for crayfish. If I had known they were a fish and not a dads, I would have accepted the offer.

Friday, July 30, 2010

If I had a dollar for every time I was Ross, I'd be able to afford ten Tootsie Roll Midgees.

Friday, July 23, 2010

A New Post

It seems that google analytics has reported a drop in hits for this site (iPhone 4 Review). I probably need to put up a new post. Droid X Review.

Here it is.

Justin Beiber

iPhone 4. Droid X. World Cup. Fifa. Justin Beiber. Weather.

Some Short Reviews:

The iPhone 4 has antenna problems. But they are probably not as terrible as the media would have you believe.

The Droid X is big. It has better battery life than the Incredible and the build quality is probably better. But it's still big.

The World Cup is over.

Justin Beiber is a singer, but I have not heard anything by him.

The weather is dreary today.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice is a good movie. Nicholas Cage needs a haircut.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I bought an eyeBook yesterday. Is this the wave of the future? If so, I am already there.